Chaim Gur-Arieh is a flavor master and inventor. Yes, he made and trademarked such flavors as: Hidden Valley Ranch dressing, Capt'n Crunch, and many products for Del Monte foods. But he's also the great maker of amazing wine in El Dorado wine region. His process and methods of 'submerged cap fermentation' he has patented and creates wine far different than most.
CG DiArie turned to us to create a presentation video that would tell their story, help communicate the uniqueness of CG DiArie Winery and just what makes it different than the rest. Best is to let Chaim, and his wonderful wife Elisheva tell there story. NMV created a four-part series that told the CG DiArie story, The Wine, The Winery and Wine club, and the Inventor. Check out their story by clicking on the links below.
- Script writing
- Photography
- Video production and Edit
- Audio engineering
- Voice Production
- VO talent casting
Part Two- The CG DiArie Vision (Video)
Part Three- The Wine Club (Video)
Part Four- The Wines (Video)